Could Crepe Myrtle grow in the pot ???
By Ning
Yokohama, Japan
I wanted to plant Crepe Myrtle ,but my garden is too small.
I have some space at the parking lot ,could I grow Crepe Myrtle in the pot ???
- 18 Aug, 2009
Previous question
« The tree was planted 2 years ago when about 4' high and staked to 36". ...
If you mean Lagerstroemia indica, you might be able to grow it in a pot for a short time, but it is really a tree or large shrub, and wants to reach 15 feet in height eventually. It is also only half hardy in Britain, which means down to 0 centrigrade, and in a pot, it will be even more frost sensitive. Don't know what your winters are like there.
18 Aug, 2009