Watering Plants
By Ginellie
United Kingdom
My neighbours went away on holiday 2 weeks ago and asked friends to water their tomato plants and a newish lime. Well they thought if it rained they needn't water the tomatoes in pots so now they are not looking great.
Can I do anything to help their recovery (I'm on duty for the next two weeks). Apparantly the lime can only have rain water - is that true?
18 Aug, 2009
They are all in pots Mg but the leaves are mainly brown. Shall I takes the leaves off then? My neighbours are not back for another 2 weeks - perhaps I should just pick them all and make them some tomato soup!
18 Aug, 2009
Oh dear... what a difficult decision to make. If it were me I'd strip the leaves off and water - poor things... and cross my fingers and toes!
Mind you we know when we go away that the crops and the alpines will not get looked after in the way we would have done so we just have to live with it. If your neighbours go away or a month they have to accept there will be problems
18 Aug, 2009
I agree with Moongrower that if they go away on holiday then they must surely know that things might not be as good as they'd like when they return! I went on holiday for a week and left the garden in the charge of my elder daughter. When I returned she hadn't watered often enough and my pots were bone dry and I lost some plants in the garden. But what can you say, she did her best and I accept that our garden is not her priority - she works full time, is studying for exams, and has her own life! She did the best she could, and it was better than nothing, which I appreciated. Hope your neighbours have the same attitude, but good luck!
19 Aug, 2009
Don't know about the limes but get on with watering the toms. Are they in pots or in the ground? Ours are well into fruit now and are taking up much less water than before - mind you they also have hardly any leaves as we striped them off so no transpiration :-)
18 Aug, 2009