I would like to reseed my foxglove so that it is in bloom every year.
By K1r2i3s4
United States
I have 5 foxglove plant and they were beautiful this year. What do I do? They are planted in full sun.
On plant
Digitalis grandiflora
24 Aug, 2009
My book tells me that this one is a perennial species, "but best treated as a biennial". Most foxgloves are biennial, in that they grow leaves one year and flower the next - I'd scatter some seed off the plants, save some for next year to raise in trays or pots in case the scattering doesn't produce plants, and chop down the flowering stems to the ground on the existing plants and see if they flower next year. If it decides to behave like a biennial, any plants that seed themselves and grow next year may not flower until the year after, so if you want them every year,as insurance, it might be better to buy more next year (or this autumn) to ensure flowering next summer, and hopefully any seedlings will flower the year after. I hope that's clear, not sure it is!
24 Aug, 2009
Actually, you don't need to do anything at all. Just leave them alone and they will self seed happily. Be careful with the weeding next year.
24 Aug, 2009
Ditto Bulbaholic.
They like shade, they are a natural dappled woodland plant and great for the back of a shady boader but they will grow in full sun. They are however very poisonus and not good in gardens with small children.
Wonderfull to see the furry bum of a bumble bee clabering inside the flowers.
24 Aug, 2009
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Digitalis Grandiflora
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Digitalis Grandiflora (Yellow Foxglove)
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I like the cottage garden effect so I let the seeds mature on the plant and then later bang the seed heads on the ground and let them get on with it naturally . Foxgloves are biennials so the same plant does not come up every year
24 Aug, 2009