When should I sow seed of Astrantia major?
By Hillmont
United Kingdom
I collected seed heads from 3 different colours and shook out the seeds into envelopes. Checking the internet it seems that it may not be as simple as just sowing them in seed compost in my greenhouse.Something about needing hot/cold spells to germinate? And there are differing views as to when to sow. Any advice gratefully received.
24 Aug, 2009
Your book seems to answer the question in a much more straightforward way than my previous research! Thanks Bamboo - I'll give it a go in an unheated greenhouse now and through the Winter and just see what comes up. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
24 Aug, 2009
I'm with you there - its always worth a shot;-)
24 Aug, 2009
True, some times they will germinate this year is sown fresh, or sometimes they will need to overwinter outside and get frosted to break dormancy and they will come up next spring
24 Aug, 2009
I sowed some seed last autumn which germinated in the spring, but I sowed some more at the beginning of this month, fresh seed straight from the plant, left outside in the coldframe, and I can already see seedlings :)
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks everyone. Some seed now sown in trays and in the greenhouse. Some sown direct into the ground. Fingers crossed.
25 Aug, 2009
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My book says to sow seed in late summer or spring in a cold frame - it also says that named varieties do not come true from seed, so what you get may not be the same as the plants you took the seed from.
24 Aug, 2009