can you verify then name of a plant which I have "honoria's?
By Terrann
United Kingdom
The shrub or tree has white flowers ,seen in garden centre
24 Aug, 2009
Isnt it an asteroid?
24 Aug, 2009
The one you're thinking of, Owdboggy, is Anemone Honorine Jobert. Gets five feet, Terrann, with single white flowers. And Drc726, no its not an asteroid as far as I know... though it could be considered a star in the border at this time of year;-)
24 Aug, 2009
Actually it is a thug of the first water. Never, never, never plant a Japanese anemone of any kind in decent soil. I have been pouring weed killer on mine for over 4 years now with as little effect as if it was being watered.
But back to the question. I have been through all the Honorias I can find and none come up attached to a tree or a shrub.
24 Aug, 2009
You're right about them Owdboggy, they're persistent and spread far and wide, but they are beautiful when in flower. And I like the idea that you've been through as many Honorias as you could find.... sounds exhausting!
24 Aug, 2009
The asteroid Honoria was named after Honoria granddaughter of the roman emperer Theodosius who started negotiations with Attila The Hun - perhaps that’s why it is so thuggish!
25 Aug, 2009
The only plant I know of with the name 'Honoria' in it is a white Anemone japonica Honoria. But that is not a tree or a shrub, it is a herbaceous plant.
24 Aug, 2009