shady corner garden, needs tall plants pref flowering
By Triciabunny
United Kingdom
maybe daisy, tall marguerite type, must be perennial! any suggestins? gets some light, not impossible!
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks for this list sounds just what I need for a very dark corner.
29 Aug, 2009
sounds very similar to mine too spritz.
some day lilies are happy in semi shade to. dont forget aconitums too.
29 Aug, 2009
I also have a Brunnera "Jack Frost", though this is low growing, Winter Heather Valerie Griffiths which is now 18 inch high at least, and 2 feet across with lovely purple flowers after 3 years, also St Johns Wort, Purple leaved Hebe, Hellebore and Astilbe all growing in severe shade.
3 Sep, 2009
Thats what I need to do move the astilbe to shade - thanks
3 Sep, 2009
thanks again guys! looking them up now so i can invest.
3 Sep, 2009
Good luck! I hope to see the photos in due course... :-)
5 Sep, 2009
My Leucanthemum x superbum grows happily in an east-facing bed, as do Japanese Anemones. I also have Actaea simplex and Chelone obliqua growing and flowering in there. Some asters will take some shade, too - I have a tall white one - Aster novae-angliae 'Herbstschnee' which flowers reliably every year.
I even grow Heleniums there - as long as there is some sun for part of the day, they seem to be OK.
29 Aug, 2009