Digging up Cephalaria gigantea
By Owdboggy
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have just had to remove one of these 12 foot tall yellow Scabious like thugs. Now the roots are like thick rope and go down to the antipodes. I have removed 6 compst bags full of them. I was wondering if anyone else had ever removed one? Specifically if the roots are going to produce 1,000's of new plants. I know that you can split the plants, but I hoped that they were like some others which only have buds on the top of the roots and not all the way down.
On plant
Cephalaria gigantea
29 Aug, 2009
Vastly! Keep it well contained and chop back any spreading tendencies as soon as you see them.
29 Aug, 2009
i also have one spritz and it is big. I hope to move it further back than it is come the spring.
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks, both...
29 Aug, 2009
Ooohh!! I've just planted one, Ob!! I have another waiting to go in, as well! Mind you, this is at the back of a 10' deep border. Has yours spread??
29 Aug, 2009