By Lavenderway
United Kingdom
Can I put my bargain(£1.49) Solanum Supreme in the garden?There is no advice tag in the pot.
3 Nov, 2012
Thank you Kildermorie.
I picked the plant up from a branch of 'The Range'. I thought it looked nice and that it might be some thing that birds would be attracted to,but that doesn't look likely as I now believe it's part of the chilli family.
As I said there was no advice card.
3 Nov, 2012
We get really cold winters here, and solanums are still to be seen growing in gardens, but not the variegated ones. They do get quite leggy, though. I've just brought mine into the house as I don't want to risk losing it.
3 Nov, 2012
In a sheltered spot in full sun, I think it will be fine. You can prune them into a standard (lollipop) shape in a pot - that way you know that the soil is well draining and can move them into a sheltered spot and say into a garage if it gets very cold.
3 Nov, 2012
Solanum 'supreme' is an aubergine or eggplant, so its a vegetable plant - tender, usually planted in spring after all risk of frost is past.
4 Nov, 2012
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I thought Solanum was tender in most of the UK. Perhaps in a sheltered space next to a south facing wall it will be fine, if not then a cold frame or greenhouse is better.
3 Nov, 2012