stink horns
By Tonyblue
north wales,
United Kingdom
I moved two years ago and found my new garden had stink horns growing in it.
They smell vile, like rotting meat, and look like mens bits.
I try to remove them, and the sacks under them, but they still keep on coming.
Please how can I get rid of them
On plant
Stink Horn Fungus
22 May, 2008
Thank you very much, I will try the boiling water trick, I have used Fungicide but after I have removed the growth I can not say it has worked as there is nothing showing. If I can I will use Fungicide before removeing the growth and leave it in the ground for a day.
Once again Thank You
22 May, 2008
No no no.
Remove everything visible - above and below the surface.
THEN apply boiling water.
THEN let it dry a bit
THEN apply fungicide
Check for new 'eggs' every day, and if they appear, repeat the process.
23 May, 2008
Once again thank you, I will follow your plan
24 May, 2008
Previous question
« Here are some more new flowers. Could these possibly be Columbine?
I think you're doing the right thing - remove them, and remove the 'eggs', and bag them up in the rubbish so the spores don't contaminate anything else.
Fungicide ought to help. I've also seen suggestions of pouring boiling water on the affected area (after removing the visible bits) to kill off any spores.
22 May, 2008