update on half eaten tomatoes !
By Sugarbevs
United Kingdom
Hi everybody. My tomatoes are THRIVING ! Remember a few weeks ago I was concerned because they were being eaten, by 'something' ! ? Well, we sprayed them with a greenfly spray, got rid of any snails that were lurking around AND...the thing that I think did it..we hooked a clematic trellis over the open doorway...may have been birds pecking at them ! Since then no problem AND quite a few of the small variety have turned red ! Heyyy ! They taste amazing too ! So thanks everyone for your advice. Just a note, we didn't cut back the side shoots on any of them, as is recommended and they are all doing very well.
30 Aug, 2009
Love it and thank you. Unbelievably I have killed almost 50 wasps in the house in the last few days. I am allergict to them so the spray comes out ....... they are very drowsy just now too so they are settling in all sorts of places, like on arms of settees, my eye (lashes) would you believe one day, and on the carpet ! watch your food and drink everybody and look at what you are touching and eating ! Hope you get yours sorted.
30 Aug, 2009
I have been told that if a wasp is killed it releases a chemical which alerts other wasps to attack, so I never kill one. Instead we have acquired a humane insect catcher which is battery powered and sucks them into it and you release them outside. We have had very few since using it.
30 Aug, 2009
Oh, that's great will look in to that x not literally.... in case I get sucked up too ! x
30 Aug, 2009
So pleased your tomatoes recovered I had a few holes in mine to start with then i found the culprit. it was a wasp. now i'm on the lookout every day for the little critters.
30 Aug, 2009