United Kingdom
Advice Please...
What do i do with my Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) when finished flowering? It is still flowering at the moment though?? Is this unusual?

4 Nov, 2012
Thank you for your must helpful answer Bamboo...
4 Nov, 2012
I also had two flowers, now black husks. I'll leave mine for a couple of weeks so the birds can have any seed that may be there, then I will cut them down. OH wants a tidy front garden this year wont do any of it though haha.
5 Nov, 2012
No - I've got one with a couple of flowers still on, although I've not looked for 2 days and we've had two overnight frosts - they may now well be blackened husks, lol. Cut down to the ground when it starts dying back if you want it tidy - otherwise, just leave it to die down and pull the dead off next spring.
4 Nov, 2012