How do you take cuttings from hardy fuscia's
By Patty_d
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have pruned my fuscia's and I have got a few cuttings how can I make them grow into new plants
31 Aug, 2009
They root easily - Patty has given you good advice here. I would only add that now is getting a tad late for Fuchsia cuttings I'm afriad. I've done them this time of year and they don't survive the winter. Cuttings taken earlier in spring and summer have a much better chance of surviving I have learnt to my cost!!
31 Aug, 2009
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hi Patty. They are easy just cut below a leave joint thats got about 4 leaves on ,then push them into a small plant pot with multi purpose compost,I would put about 3 into each pot .then water them well.Keep in greenhouse or on a warm window sill, and don't allow to dry out.They should root in about 6 weeks then pot them on in individual pots.
31 Aug, 2009