Transplanting a Camellia
By Jrp
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I would like advice as to whether it is possible to move a Camellia which has out grown its position and if so, what time of the year is best.
2 Sep, 2009
If you want to move it, October is probably the best time, but it depends how long its been in situ as to how well it will transplant. If its been in more than 3 years, there will be a large root spread, and you will need to retain as much of that as possible to move it successfully.
Camellias don't like hard pruning, they prefer little and often. Having said that, I did hard prune one earlier this year in a neglected garden - I expected it to keel over, but actually, its recovered well, but there's always the risk, when you do this, that they won't.
2 Sep, 2009
My husband moved a 4ft one for me, and the large hole was dug ready for it, with well-rotted manure and some ericacaceous compost mixed in plus some bonemeal. It was watered profusely with rainwater, then after planting was watered regularly for the first week. That was just after flowering time. It is fine. I would say that early autumn is a good time so long as you cosset it. Good luck.
2 Sep, 2009
Cj123 , Bamboo , Mad.
Thank you for all your advice. Most helpful an much appreciated.
2 Sep, 2009
why not hard prune the plant to a shape you like? There is always a risk of the plant dying if you transplant, but autumn or early spring would be the best time.. cjr
2 Sep, 2009