When should I plant Nerine bowdenii and any tips on how please
By Rosalie
East Lothian,
United Kingdom
I live in East Lothian and have a reasonable amount of sunshine. I can plant them against a south facing wall.
2 Sep, 2009
Thanks very much. I think they are beautiful flowers and I love the way the colours change on them so I'll give it a go and hope!
2 Sep, 2009
Colours change? What does that mean? My nerine bowdenii flower pink and stay that colour??
2 Sep, 2009
When you pick them and put them in a vase, as they die the colour darkens and turns a deep wine red so they are still beautiful when they die!
It's years since I have seen them though, and was reminded of them at the Botanical gardens in Edinburgh yesterday so looked the name up and decided to try growing them.
2 Sep, 2009
Oh I see - I've never cut them, so didn't know that.
2 Sep, 2009
Thanks for letting me know too. Do all nerines do this? I'm going to cut one of mine tomorrow and try it. I'm in Forfar and mine do fine. Some are in shade and some are in a sunny/windy bit of the garden. No probs
2 Sep, 2009
I only ever used one type of pink ones, but if you cut a few they go on and on lasting for ages longer than any other flower I have used in arrangements and even after they are dead the colour is fantastic.
3 Sep, 2009
The main thing is not to let them get overshadowed by other plants.
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds like a good situation - they also like very well drained soil. Best time to plant is actually spring, but you can plant them right now too. Should be planted with tips fractionally below the soil - but as you live in a colder area, plant them a little deeper than that. Hope they flower for you next year - they can be fussy little beggars!
2 Sep, 2009