By Merfyn_james
New Romney, Kent,
United Kingdom
Just another thing........Mrs James went on weed killing patrol the other week with a squirty Weedol type thing. Unfortunately, she decided that there were some weeds on the lawn so sprayed them as well........leaving bare patches in her wake. The turf is Rye Sports Turf; will this gte back to its normal self again?
5 Sep, 2009
Yes louise 1 I've done it, it does seem to recover as you say rake it and remove the thatch.
If not rake in some seed in the spring. I do treat my lawn to a rake and a mix of feed and weed killer twice a year and those spray weeders for lawns for the odd weed. Weeds will always pop up for loads of reasons. I find if i have a small bare patch and I rake it and scatter fresh grass cuttings thinnly over it and keep it watered it fills up (that was on a gardening programme years ago). I think thats why the old gardeners told us to leave off the grass box at times as it feeds itself. but with modern machines?
5 Sep, 2009
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I don't know about that particular type of turf, but the turf i bought (cannot remember its type) is fine when this happens - i've done it :(
It does rejuvenate. Rake the dead patch and remove that 'thatch' and it should 'knit' together again.
5 Sep, 2009