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I need some garden design advice! please help!

mid glamorgan, United Kingdom

Im currently moving into my first non student/non parental home and I have been imagining garden planting scemes like most of my peers would be imagining decorating schemes.
My ideal garden is a freeflowing, bee friendly, cottgae type, with a robust herbaceous border, small raised bed for some veg and enough grass to lie down and enjoy the summer flowers.
however, credit crunch and all, the property I will be moving into has a garden smothered in concrete apart from a 7 by 13 ft patch, so will i need to make a sacrafice, change my plans completely or continue with a scaled down version? any input will be appreciated! thanks :)



Hi monardamad welcometo GOY you lucky thing having a blank canvase to start from. I would go for perennials now and spring bulbs, also pinks.Go to the bottom of this page and follow plants,they've got a great selection free post. good luck and have fun.

5 Sep, 2009


Welcome to GOY'll get all the help you need from this site....:>)

5 Sep, 2009


Car boots are great way for getting cheap plants along with local chuch fete etc...

Spring bulbs planted now, with some hardy perenials, that should be cheap from the garden centre's around now as they will be going over.

Little and often with the garden. Rome wasnt built in a day.

Take your time and pinch loads of ideas from others on here.

5 Sep, 2009


that's a very small planting area - the other thing to consider is, does it get sun? Which direction does it face? You don't say whether you're renting or buying - if the latter, presumably eventually you might consider removing or reducing some of the concrete in order to have more of a garden for planting. If the concrete's big enough, you could certainly grow quite a lot in pots, including some veg.

5 Sep, 2009


If renting ask the landlord to pay towards making a garden you might strike lucky. On the concrete you could have a water feature - perhaps as a present?

5 Sep, 2009


wow, thank you everyone for your suggestions, i wasnt expecting such a fast response!
unfortunately the contrete will be around for a while as i cant afford to make any major landscape changes right now.
but i have some new hope now atleast, will certainly be stocking up on the pots and planters to disguise the ugly waste of potential!
thanks everyone!
Talk soon :D

6 Sep, 2009


One suggestion - if you're going to buy containers or pots, get the biggest ones you can afford - the little ones aren't worth a candle, you can't grow much in them and everything gets too big to be in them for long!

7 Sep, 2009

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