By Suzy69
United Kingdom
Does any one know where in UK i can buy a rose plant called Plum Duffy? It was grown by a Cecilia Bennet.
10 Nov, 2012
Some years ago I tried to track down a named rose growing at Hyde Hall for my cousin, who did not have a computer, and drew a complete blank. Also some growers do not seem to keep some names very long in their stock.
Gentle Hermione is one I wanted but cannot find it and do not want to send for it. It was there on David Austin's stands and then it vanished. It gets mentions on GOY, but I want to see before I buy.
This sort of thing can be very frustrating.
12 Nov, 2012
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I'm sorry to say that I've drawn a blank, Suzy. I have a great site saved on my 'favourites' called 'The Rose Locator', and your rose isn't on their lists. I tried googling Cecilia Bennett, and found a list of roses she'd bred, too - but not 'Plum Duffy'. :-(
12 Nov, 2012