Convolvulus Cneorum
United Kingdom
I'm quite excited as I think this is going to flower again in the next few weeks - is this normal? I have googled and there is no talk of second flowerings. I only noticed as I was going to give it a good trim back before winter - should I have waited until spring regardless?
7 Sep, 2009
Mine also look like they are about to flower, the end growth certainly resembles bud rather than leaf, leave it til spring
7 Sep, 2009
I have them too and they flower right through until quite late on, easily until next month.
This is in the southern half of the country though, may not apply to gardens further north.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks all for the help - what a nice late summer treat! I'm glad I also know now not to prune until Spring.
8 Sep, 2009
This is definitely one of those shrubs that should not be pruned before winter - leave it till spring and tidy it up a bit then. They do sometimes throw up later flowers, though not often as many as earlier in the year.
7 Sep, 2009