Nicandra Physaloides (Apple of Peru) - when to sow ?
United Kingdom
I saw this fabulous plant at an NT site on a day out today. I have never come across it before and was fascinated. One of the gardeners told me what it was, and yanked off some seed heads for me, bless her. Can't believe it's an annual - more like a shrub, but I did detect the 'physalis' type seed sack. So - when do I sow the seed ? Does it do best if I sow it before winter so it gets the frost, or is it better in Spring ? Also - straight into the soil, or in pots and transplant ?
On plant
Nicandra Physaloides
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks for this info - I'll plant in Spring. No problem with 'poisonous' - I don't intend to eat it ! just enjoy looking at it.
7 Sep, 2009
Even smelling the flowers is supposed to be risky, no idea how accurate this is. Certainly one is warned to wash ones hands after collecting the seed pods.
7 Sep, 2009
Its nick name is SHOO-FLY. I potted up one of my seedlings and kept it in the green house and it seemed to work. They didn't get a chance to keep the cabbage whites away in the veg plot, coz the slugs got there first.
7 Sep, 2009
I sow it in Spring in seed trays and transplant into pots and plant out after the major risk of frost is over.
And do be careful, the whole plant is rather poisonous.
7 Sep, 2009