I planted each bare root rose in its own v large pot & they've all started to sprout growth. My d-in-law wants to cover hers with bubble wrap for when she's away over the long Xmas hols, but I'm not sure this is a good idea. She has a covered-way, so perh
By Ermine
United States
Hi - Can you please recommend a pot/planter (h x w x l or dia x h) for Rosa Compassionate Friends.
Thanks PMC
On plant
The Compassionate Friends Rose
12 Nov, 2012
Many Thanks Seaburngirl.
You have saved me time looking for appropriate pots or planters. It seems best to buy pots larger than your minimum & tomorrow we'll see what the garden centres have in stock.
I'm buying this rose for members of the family in memory of our little grandson & I'm fairly confident the rose won't be planted out.
Again, Thank You for your reply. Regards, Pauline
13 Nov, 2012
A lovely rose, so sorry to hear about your loss. Consider the colour of the pot when the rose is in full flower. There are some wonderful pots in a range of colours but I have seen quite a few shocking clashes when the plants flower.
All the best.
13 Nov, 2012
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« Can anyone tell me what the name of this plant is? I've had it quite a while...
a minimum of 2ft diam x1-1.5ft high. the bigger the better and the less frequent you'll need to top dress it. though it would be better in the ground if you could manage it. You need to make sure it doesnt dry out.
12 Nov, 2012