By Usernut
United Kingdom
these long stems with bud things are growing up out of my cineraria, are they about to flower? or are they seed pods?

9 Sep, 2009
I thought these flowered in their second year, I was going to cut them off but thought i,d better check,
just as well I did.
9 Sep, 2009
I'd cut 'em off anyway, don't like the flowers, boring old yellow spidery daisies - the foliage is much more interesting! But that's just me...
9 Sep, 2009
I bought them for the foliage but will let these ones flower and try to collect the seeds.
9 Sep, 2009
dont forget you can take cuttings from them and overwinter them too. The flowers are very bright yeloow and daisy form. I'm not keen on them but they add a nice splash of colour.
11 Sep, 2009
I,m going to overwinter 2 of these, but I tried rooting a cutting (a leaf) in rainwater but it never worked. not really sure how to take a cutting off these.
12 Sep, 2009
you need a young stem about 4-6" long and trim it of and remove the lower leaves. dip in rooting powder and place into compost. water and hopefully they will root. a leaf wont root so that is why you had no luck.
12 Sep, 2009
thanks, i,ll give it a try.
12 Sep, 2009
If it hasn't flowered already, that's what these are - seed pods only form where flowers once were
9 Sep, 2009