I have Tigridia bulbs that have finished flowering now, in pots
By Spindle
United Kingdom
Can I keep them in their pots in the garage overwinter, or is it better to lift them? Also they gave a pretty poor display, is it worth keeping them? Thanks for your help
On plant
9 Sep, 2009
Oh, thanks Bamboo - I'll maybe keep them in sand then, and try planting them out next spring to see if that improves them. They flowered one bulb at a time this year, rather than all bulbs at once - awful.
9 Sep, 2009
Disappointing - I've never grown them myself.
9 Sep, 2009
I put pots in the shed and in the spring i repot them in fresh compost.
It was bad luck about the flowering. but i like the fact that each plant gives one flower at a time. though it would be better if several plants flowered at once :o)
11 Sep, 2009
Hi Seaburngirl. Yes, I know what you mean....but...I had planted 6 bulbs to a pot, and had 3 pots of them, so was hoping for the wow factor - and didnt get it. Do you see the advert to the right of this screen - that's what I was hoping for. Oh, well maybe next year...thanks for your tip, though :o))))
11 Sep, 2009
Up to you whether you keep them or not, but if you want to overwinter them, you can either dig them up and keep them in trays of sand till Spring and repot, OR put them in fresh compost and leave them in a brightly lit, frost free, but not warm, place.
9 Sep, 2009