i'm looking for a evergreen architectural ball type plant
By Caspian
United States
that i can keep in a small ball shape, other than box
11 Sep, 2009
I see you didn't want Box - how about a Bay - larger leaved, but can be kept shaped, though admittedly they're usually a standard with a ball at the top. Otherwise, you could try Lonicera nitida - there's a yellow or a green version, small leaved, tolerates constant clipping. Depends how small you want it, really. If you want it really small and not a standard, why not buy Hebe Green Globe - sticks to a globe shape all by itself, evergreen, hardy.
11 Sep, 2009
And now I've realised where you live, you might want to check whether the plants I've suggested are hardy enough for where you are.
11 Sep, 2009
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb' is perfect for this.
Its new growth is green and as it matures, over a weeks it slowly changes to a bronze colour.
It's ultimate height is 3' but simple and easy to keep in a shorter/ smaller ball shape.
I have them and they're a great looking little evergreen shrub.
12 Sep, 2009
Louise I have a larger version of Pittosporum and they are great lookers with a pyramid shape. The Tom thumb ones must make lovely balls I just want to ask if left to be 3 ft is their shape good?
12 Sep, 2009
Very good, Denise !
I don't even have to prune mine, just the odd snip here and there.
12 Sep, 2009
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« I've grown tomatoes in raised beds and have late blight. Do I need to totally...
Boxus sempervians is a hardy one and ideal for this purpose. You can buy them already shaped or do it yourself.
11 Sep, 2009