By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
A new planting opportunity. Ideas required but here is the background to the 'problem'.
I have had to have 2 very old crab apples removed as they have died but unfortunately the stumps are still in [not what I asked for but ony paid for the felling and they took the smaller bits away free of charge. i wanted the logs]. The Deutzia looks dead too so that will be taken out. So I am looking at a 6-10ft long by 5ft deep border. It faces south but the 6ft fence and neighbouring trees means it is in mid/deep shade.
I already have Aconitum, Anenome japonica, hellebores and a range of ferns and ground cover plants suitable for shade.
I am reluctant to plant shrubs/trees as there is honey fungus in the border and whilst I have a list of resistant trees from the RHS I want to reduce the impact of it. I should be greatful as according to the RHS it is the least thugish of the 7 species of honey fungus. Only finishing off dieing trees rather than killing them.
What I would like is suggestions for mid - tall 50cm -150cm shade loving herbaceaous plants that will be happy on chalky soil. Personal recomendations are so much better than just reading a book. So come on GoYers do your stuff please. Thanks in advance.
14 Nov, 2012
yep lots of trillium. Lost a 15yr old clematis montana from the same spot dont want to put in another one in the same place. After taller plants for the back really.
There is honeysuckle along the top of the fence.
14 Nov, 2012
I have a tall Persicaria 'Firetail' in a shady border, flowers for ages, trouble-free, and loved by bees, or Aconitum, also Buphthalmum salicifolium and Astrantia 'Shaggy'. All these plants grow in shade on my chalky soil. Also Eupatorium purpureum (for its dark leaves), and Lysimachia 'Alexander' for variegated leaves.
14 Nov, 2012
Ah Buphthlamum, I have that in full sun as that is what i was told it needed. Got persicaria firetail in the back I'd forgot about that one it would split. I have E cannabarium but again in full sun. I got rid of most of the lysimachia as it was in the wrong place but I can see how it would fit in this place. Thanks.
14 Nov, 2012
Campanula trachelium is a British native of chalk soils. I've been growing it in shade for several years and it seems quite happy
14 Nov, 2012
is that coventry bells? It is certainly one to consider, does it set seed and really cheeky Andrewr do you have any I could buy from you?
14 Nov, 2012
I grow Actaea simplex, Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitt's Double', Dicentra spectabilis (pink & white) Aruncus dioicus, Aquilegia, perennial and annual Digitalis, Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate', Lunaria, Brunnera (several), Pulmonaria, Omphalodes verna & O. 'Cherry Ingram'; and for deep shade, Heucherella and Tiarella, Geranium macrorrhizum, G. nodosum and G. phaeum.
Hope that helps!
14 Nov, 2012
Sbg - mine are growing on heavy clay so I rarely get any seedlings - sorry
14 Nov, 2012
I don't either - it never seeds itself. Also sorry! :-(
14 Nov, 2012
thanks for the suggestions. There are some mentioned that i do grow in other areas of the garden that i can raid. But there are some that i will have to source.
15 Nov, 2012
I forgot that my Carex morrowii 'Ice dance' just loves shade. Did I send you some before?
Oh, and sorry - I meant 'biennial' Digitalis.
16 Nov, 2012
Yes you did send me the caerex but vine weevils got to it :o(
OH suggests I move the Jap anenomes from the front border as they are too pink for a hot border. He may have a point but digging them out will be like painting the forth bridge, never ending!
16 Nov, 2012
Dreadful suggestion - unless he does it? lol.
Would you like another piece of Carex?
16 Nov, 2012
He says he might [I know what that means , it'll be yes but gawd knows when :o)] and ooh yes please.
16 Nov, 2012
OK, I'll try to dig some up. No promises as to when, though!
17 Nov, 2012
No rush and dont go hurting your self!
18 Nov, 2012
The weather's the real problem. It's been really wet here. I will be careful, promise. x
20 Nov, 2012
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Hi SBG do you have trillium .
Or get obelisks and plant clematis .
And spring bulbs
Shall keep thinking
14 Nov, 2012