when is the best tine to separate and re-plant bulbs in Lubbock, Texas (USDA Zone 7a/7b)
By Legs16
Lubbock, Texas,
United States
I have three kinds of lilies already in the ground, but I want to move them and add to them several amaryllis bulbs that have been growing indoors forever, They are HUGE and flower inside usually in the spring.
I also have a massive lot of huge brown-leafed, red-flowered cannas that need to be thinned out.
Can I dig, separate and replant these bulbs in now or maybe in October or November?
13 Sep, 2009
Not sure how your climate behaves, but over here, the cannas are dug up and stored over winter, or potted up and kept inside, at which point they can be split. I usually split mine in the spring, though. Day lilies too I'd dig up and split this time of year - not sure what spider lilies or naked ladies are, but if they're bulbous type lilies, I'd move them now, it being our autumn, while the ground's still warm and just before (hopefully) the wetter weather arrives. I don't know if this helps!
13 Sep, 2009
I forgot to say that Britain is in Zone 8, mostly.
14 Sep, 2009
Oh, and I should have said that the three kinds of lilies I have already in the ground are (I only know the common names, sorry..) naked ladies, spider lilies and day lilies. I want to add to that mix the amaryllis bulbs.
The cannas will not be anywhere close to the lilies.
13 Sep, 2009