Mystery Flower
By Jimmee
United Kingdom
Please help with ID.Whole plant about 8 -12 inch high and I think evergreen. Has been flowering for several months. Still not sure of it's name.

14 Sep, 2009
looks like it to me
14 Sep, 2009
Its Hypericum alright, but it ain't Hidcote at 8-12 inches high - it'll be Hypericum calycinum, probably.
14 Sep, 2009
Sorry missed the height bit. Calycinum can be invasive?
14 Sep, 2009
Sure can - I speak from experience, and not one I care to remember - back ached for weeks after clearing it from an area 20 feet by 20 feet....
14 Sep, 2009
Yup agree with Bamboo and on how invasive it is :-)
14 Sep, 2009
Thanks to everyone for this. Will remove and pot up to stop it overtaking the border.
14 Sep, 2009
Oh lord, didn't mean to put you off - you can always restrict its growth by digging it up occasionally and splitting any bits you don't want off the plant.
14 Sep, 2009
difficult angle but could be Hypericum hidcote
14 Sep, 2009