What is the plant?
By Marwilladtid
This plant appeared in my vegetable patch. I presume it has grown from a seed from the seeds fed to the birds over winter. It has a cucumber like flower and similar leaves, it has a prickly fruit which when cut has seeds in quarters.

14 Sep, 2009
Yes Datura, and every part of it is toxic.......
14 Sep, 2009
we had a lady on the news in our area had a huge one appear in her garden
you need to dispose of very carefully
use gloves at all times
do not put in your composter, I dont think you should burn it either as the fumes would be toxic too!!
x x x
15 Sep, 2009
Datura or brugsmansia, angels trumpet.
Many people on GoY have had this appear
Both that i mentioned as they look similar are highly poisonous, leaves seeds and sap etc.
An annual normally spread by bird droppings
14 Sep, 2009