Should I move my peonies?
By Noeticblues
CT, Zone 5,
United States
I have a few peonies planted in what should be full sun along a brick wall. Two years ago they were spectacular, but this year they hardly had any blooms and were totally taken over by some kind of disease. I've cut them to the ground and removed all visible traces of the diseased parts of the plants. I've also dramatically pruned back the climbing hydrangea which was compromising their sun. Another factor is that we had an EXTREMELY wet summer this year (21 days of rain in June) so the hydrangeas and the water probably didn't help the disease at all.
I have a few other peony plants in other parts of the yard, but I would like to group them all together somehow.
Is it wise to move the healthy peonies into this bed? Should I move them all to a third location? Should I just keep them separated to be safe?
15 Sep, 2009
There is a disease called Paeony wilt (or Peony wilt, depending on how you want to spell paeony). This is caused by a botrytis fungus which usually occurs in damp weather. The disease may overwinter in the soil around infected plants, and also in sclerota on the plants themselves. Quote from RHS Pests and Diseases "It is sometimes necessary to cut back into the rootstock to remove infected parts." I certainly wouldn't put them anywhere near other paeonies in case you transfer the disease. As the shoots of this year's affected plants emerge next spring, spray with a suitable fungicide (my book says carbendazim, but I've no idea if its still available or not)
15 Sep, 2009
Personally I'd leave well alone for the moment and see how things go next year. If the diseased peonies are okay next year then you could move the otehrs to join them next fall.
15 Sep, 2009