I have planted 3 Acer trees in the garden in open space.There were two years old when planted
By Preacher
They were two years old when planted. They are growing well.But should I prune them?.One seems to be growing with 4 long up rights as well as side growth.The others are growing in a more cooordinated fashion
15 Sep, 2009
just a note while people reading your post will be thinking tree's I have a number of tree's to plant shortly, so I have been ringing around trying to get a drawing of water and sewer pipes, so that any work that needs to be dun on the pipes in the future, will not disturb my tree' and one thing I found out, it is now aginst the law to plant a tree within nine meaters of a building, (the council have a huge wild cheree tree five meaters from my house.) a funny old world.
15 Sep, 2009
You don't say what kind of Acer ,which varieties you planted? This might make a difference, but I had an Acer Palmatum that grew odd, extra long branches, and I used to prune them back with no harm to the plant.
15 Sep, 2009