By Spottedray1
Bridgend, United Kingdom
Plant Id Please
And how to care for it. The plant is 3.5 feet tall and about 10 inches wide. It has a label close to it saying Lobelia Deep purple haze-not sure.
- 19 Nov, 2012
I imagine that the Lobelia died and the Linaria purpurea seeded into the space. It will seed around a lot unless you remember to deadhead it. Cut down the tall shoots now but leave any leafy short ones. In Spring it will throw up more shoots and flower for you. There is a lovely pink form called 'Canon Went' that you can buy as seed.
19 Nov, 2012
it looks like purple toadflax to me
19 Nov, 2012
Seaburngirl-No, its a different plant.
19 Nov, 2012
can you do some good close ups of the leaves and stem and any seed heads for the other one then please.
19 Nov, 2012
Hi this is Linaria, common name purple loostrife.
It is easy and hardy. It seeds freely, doesnt need staking and generaly pest free.
If this isnt the same one you were asking about yestreday then that id was wrong.
19 Nov, 2012