A question about growing from seeds
By Womble13
United Kingdom
me again with another question. i was after some advice about growing from seeds. i noticed most packets say to plant the seed in the spring but i was wondering if i could sow them now if i keep them frost free? my thought behind this was so the plant would be of bigger size come next summer when i would want to plant them out. Plus i'm completely hooked on gardening and want something to do now over the next coming weeks.
17 Sep, 2009
I got quite a few packs of seeds in the suttons sale, most are to be grown later but i,ve already sowed some and i,m going to do more.
I only used some of the seeds from each packet so if they die i,ll still have more seeds for the right time.
I intend to keep them in a coldframe and i,m going to try to keep some in a mini greenhouse which i,ll cover with plenty of fleece on the outside and have layers of fleece on each shelve as added protection.
As i,m relatively new to gardening I like to experiment, even if it means doing the wrong thing as I like to experience things for myself.
even when I ask questions I sometimes still doing the opposite to whats been recommended to me..lol
17 Sep, 2009
The only problem is that some plants want to grow once they have germinated and the light is too poor and the temp too cold over winter. You could try some hardy annuals like cornflower or Nigella or Calendula, they will over-winter OK. Just don't be too disappointed if things die around Feb/March. Also, perennials want to die down for winter, so they're no use to sow at this time of year.
17 Sep, 2009
Previous question
Depends what you want to grow from seed - if they're annuals, there's no real advantage in sowing them now - if you want to sow them early Feb in the greenhouse next year, then fine. And if you haven't a heated greenhouse, then half hardy annuals probably won't survive anyway. Biennials might be a good idea, but again, best in a greenhouse, even an unheated one.
I know what you mean though, about wanting to carry on gardening - use the winter to dig the soil over in any new areas, or create new planting areas, study the catalogues, read your garden books, repair the fences, collect leaves, make leafmould, that's what most of us do in the winter time. I have to say, by the end of November I'm usually quite glad to stop gardening - by then, its muddy, and the cold strikes up through your boots, and its dark by 3.45 anyway...
One other thing though - usually, during January, we get a couple of quiet, 'open' days that aren't wet and are sunny, without to much wind and not particularly cold (often during the first two weeks of that month). At that point, I am to be found out cutting grass where it's necessary - as long as the wind's not a northerly, which makes the tips of the grass brown after cutting... This is also the month for pruning fruit trees, then February for later flowering clematis and Wisteria.... so its really only a couple of months at most that you can't do anything outside. (I'm trying to cheer myself up as much as you, Womble, sorry for going on so long!)
17 Sep, 2009