does anyone have suggestions for plants
By Dawnleckie
United Kingdom
in small backyard to ensure all year round flowers
20 Sep, 2009
Dawnleckie - is there a reason why you have now asked the same question three times?
20 Sep, 2009
Hi Dawnleckie, and welcome to GoY :)
I have a small garden too, and grow lots of plants in pots. Bulbs are a great place to start....crocus, daffs, tulips, alliums, lilies etc will give you a succession of colour from January to July. Add some seasonal colour, such as winter pansies, primulas and wall flowers for spring, then annuals such as busy lizzies, petunias, geraniums and fuchsias for the summer months. Then maybe some cyclamen for autumn and winter....and you'll have some flowers all year round :)
20 Sep, 2009