Where can I buy Caryota mitis (fishtail palm) in London
By Sofat
Pinner Harrow,
United Kingdom
I would like to buy this plant
22 Sep, 2009
Easytropicals.co.uk (or .com)
Based in Ham in London. Huge choice there! Worth a go! Mail order and open to public
22 Sep, 2009
Ah, I knew there was a palm centre somewhere, Nicky, but when I googled it, I got The Palm Centre alright, but it turned out to be somewhere selling hand held technical devices, like palm pilots, mobile phones, etc.!
22 Sep, 2009
Its the website but not THE palm centre! Although Sofat may of discovered that if they've tried it!
24 Sep, 2009
I've just googled suppliers for this plant, and I only found one and it was online, but in Australia. Try the RHS website - they should have a plantfinder section, they certainly do a book that's called the Plantfinder, and see if they know of a supplier in Britain, never mind London. From what I've read, this plant is easily raised from seed, so if all else fails, you could try growing your own if you can find the seeds.
22 Sep, 2009