Lilac tree
By Andrea
United Kingdom
I had a rather large lilac tree growing in a border in the front of my garden, it never really flowers and I suspect has been there for many years. In my back garden I have a 2 year old lilac a Mademoiselle. Limone and I would like to put this in its place. At the weekend I cut back the old lilac and the picture shows what it ended up like! My question is are there any tips on how to remove the rest of the plant which was very well established!! and also tips on putting the new one in its place. Thanks
On plant
Mademoiselle. Limone

24 Sep, 2009
Many Thanks for the advice!
24 Sep, 2009
I would not put another Lilac there.
24 Sep, 2009
Try a Clethra Alnifolia. It is evergreen, not spindly or likely to spread its roots underground like a lilac, and it flowers for more than 10 days. Not a fan of lilac but I like the idea of a flowering shrub, and I found the Clethra.
24 Sep, 2009
Cheers Andrea....I will look that one up.
24 Sep, 2009
The problem that I see here, Andrea is that the roots are well under the tarmac. This could be a reason for it not flowering well as it was not getting enough water. Now, you will not be able to remove the old roots!
I would dig out as much of the root as possible (hard work), add some decent soil but think twice about putting another lilac in its place.
24 Sep, 2009