Anyone splitting hardy cylamen
By Scotkat
If so can I buy some corms from you for our kids garden club.
27 Sep, 2009
Good morning Bulbaholic a mistake on my part really ment to say diggging up smaller corms.
27 Sep, 2009
Wish you had asked a bit earlier, I have just sent a huge number of spares to someone else, sorry.
Did I not send you some last year?
27 Sep, 2009
No dont think you did ,I did get some for my own little woodland area form someone.
I am sorry if I do not remember if it was you.
But they are not beg enough to give to kids garden club yet.
27 Sep, 2009
Scotkat, you don't split cylamen. They grow from individual corms that just grow bigger eah year. Cyclamen do self seed and it is possible that someone might be moving some of the smaller corms though.
27 Sep, 2009