Which flowering garden plants can i plant in my yard that horses don t like and are not poisonous?
By Afhtas
United Kingdom
My ponies are aloud to walk around part of the yard / garden . I have clipped some elder bushes which are very pretty and the ponies never touch. I would like to have some tubs of flowers either perennials or annuals that are not poisonous and the ponies would not want to eat .
- 29 Sep, 2009
....after a little more research....(Bears Breeches) Acanthus, Cotton Lavender (Santolina) and Berberis.
29 Sep, 2009
Thank you so much That is wonderful !!!! :)
I live in the Czech Republic so the temperatures go quite low about - 10 to -15 c . lavender seems to survive well here and most perennials .Will the ones you have sugested be ok in the winter cold ?
29 Sep, 2009
Your dry continental winters are in many ways better than our wet dreary ones, ie they won't rot! :-)
The two species Fuchsia will die back but shoot happily each year from their bases. I think the Med. Herbs like Sage and Rosemary will be fine though the Sage leaves will probably hang vertically in winter, only rising to horizontal again when temps pic up. As I say, these herbs (free drained soil in sun aside) should do well also. The rest are pretty hardy. They grow Artemisia absinthinum over there anyway to make Czech Absinthe......or at least they used to use it, maybe not now?
29 Sep, 2009
Oh, I see they still do AND, they still use Artemesia absinthinum, at least in their special reserve!!! I thought this had been stopped because of the hallucinogenic properties? Ah well, you only live once Lol!
29 Sep, 2009
Thank you How interesting .My son was only asking the other day about Absinthe and the only thing I knew about it is Degas picture and I said of course they dont use the strong stuff anymore it is illegal etc so i was very wrong !!
Fushia does grow well here so that is fantastic
If the horses try the absinthium will they halucinate or is it only after distillation that it occurs ?!? .
I am going to my local plant nursery tomorrow to find anything that you have advised ... Any of the ones you have sugested not a good idea to plant now ? Obviously not things i want in pots
I have not surprising ly lots of horse poo and rather sandy soil so mix a lot in my garden . Are there plants or plant groups that really don t like horse poo or is it ok for everything in moderation.
Thank you again for your help I feel I am rather over working you !!
29 Sep, 2009
Not sure about before or after with the absinthe but I suspect before as the active ingredient will be the same!
Yes, if they have anything from my suggestions that you want, plant them asap. They should still make root growth at this time of year and this will help them next year. Make sure you give all a good soaking too once planted.
The horse manure can be used especially if it has aired a bit. If in doubt, leave it a couple of months. You don't really want to put any in the planting hole, at least not in direct contact with the roots. When you have almost back filled with soil during planting, you could add a small amount then.
Spread the rest mostly on the surface or lightly fork into the upper layers and the worms and time will do the rest.
29 Sep, 2009
Red Hot Pokers (Kniphofia), strongly flavoured herbs like Rosemary, Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Wormwood (Artemisia, especially the shrubby ones), this is an adaptation against browsing. Hypericum (St John's Wort, the variety Hidcote being very good), Heather (Calluna & Erica) and Crocosmia. Fuchsia magellanica or Fuchsia riccartonii might be worth trying too as Rabbits can't abide them....amazingly!
29 Sep, 2009