Olive tree with black "spots"
By Mayuri1
United Kingdom
I have a small OLive tree that developed black "spots" whilst indoors. I put it outdoors for the summer but the spots remain. They pick off quite easily but are increasing in numbers. We live in Essex and the plant remains outside in a sheltered position
30 Sep, 2009
They are mainly on the stems and I think they are insects but they just look like little round black spots. They are easy to remove but keep soming back.
30 Sep, 2009
Could they be something simple like blackflies - these could be present on new, soft stems particularly. And are they causing any damage to the plant?
30 Sep, 2009
They do not look like blackflies, They are round, the size of a pinhead and shiny.
They do not appear to do any damage to the plant but I am loathe to bring it back into the house for the winter months until I solve this problem. Many thanks for your continued help.
1 Oct, 2009
They are probably leaf scale insects and tend to attack weaker plants. Can you have a really close look at them ?
They can be sprayed with horticultural oil and water or sprayed with a systemic pesticide . They probably won't do much damage but the plant would be better off without them !
1 Oct, 2009
My grateful thanks for your advice. I shall certainly take it and, with fingers crossed, start spraying.
2 Oct, 2009
i'm not clear what you're describing - are they insects, these black "spots"? where are they on the plant - on the leaves or stems?
30 Sep, 2009