Kalanchoe not flowering
By Cestina
South Bohemia, Czech Republic
I just bought a new Kalanchoe which is full of flowers and suddenly realised that the one my son gave me about three years ago, which has grown massively and been repotted at least twice, doesn't seem to have flowered at all. I think it must have had flowers when he bought it, I can't actually remember.
Is it possible that it has been flowering through the winter when I am not here and that all trace of the flowers has vanished by the time I get back in May? There's no sign of any buds forming at the moment.
Or if it is simply flowerless is there anything I can do to encourage them? Obviously I would prefer it to flower May - November rather than vice-versa!
- 5 Oct, 2009
Thanks - I've never fed it but repotted when it was becoming too top-heavy for the pot it was in. I'll try leaving it in this one as long as possible......
5 Oct, 2009
I would suggest that it is enjoying too much re-potting...and is too lazy to flower! I certainly never repot mine and a big one I was given earlier in the year and was flowering heavily then...I just dead headed and rested out of the sunshine under the table in the conservatory and kept it well watered. Just yesterday I looked and it is a mass of flower buds ....ready to give me a second helping!! I have never fed any of my smaller ones either and they seem to thrive and get on with it.
I think feeding them sometimes makes them too lush - all leaf and no flower!
Hope this helps!
5 Oct, 2009