shrub i.d please
By Fleurdemai
United Kingdom
Hi, I just purchased this, it had no label, I was thinking it was a Leucothoe though since arriving home I've not been able to identify it accurately.
The leaves on the lower branches are almost entirely purple/brown in colour with the odd speck of cream.
The newer foliage is as seen in the photo

7 Oct, 2009
Could it be Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Scarletta' ?
7 Oct, 2009
It's Leucothoe fontainesiana 'Rainbow', an evergreen shrub, grows to about 5feet.
7 Oct, 2009
about 2 foot high, so a second year cutting, was about £4.50 from a nursery
7 Oct, 2009
Nip out the tips to make it bush out.
8 Oct, 2009
Previous question
« Why are my peace lillies leaves going brown and yellow on the ends, please?
It is leucothoe I think it's one of the newer types, my neighbour has one the same. Hope it was a bargain, very handsome plant:-)
7 Oct, 2009