By Peeps
United Kingdom
to be honest im just learning as i go along im used to face book where everything is public if u have any navigation tips it would be much apreciated x
8 Oct, 2009
thanx. i hope i did this one right
8 Oct, 2009
Think Bamboo has covered. You've now found the place to ask questions - and get all our daffy duck answers :-)
8 Oct, 2009
lol MG
8 Oct, 2009
i feel a bit daffy duck myself! will get there in the end x
8 Oct, 2009
Aye, well, you're in good company then Peeps;-)
8 Oct, 2009
Also Peeps, check your inbox regularly. If anyone makes a comment on a photo you've posted, you'll be able to see it there and answer under the same photo. Best of luck ! :-))
9 Oct, 2009
Best of luck from me as well Peeps and welcome.....
9 Oct, 2009
I think I've worked out that this "question" is in response to Moongrower's query re why you're posting blogs?
Site use tips:
If you have a question, post it as you did this response, under questions. You will be notified either under My News on your profile page when something has been added to your question. You will also be notified under the My News bit if someone else adds a comment to something you've commented on, too.
If you want to respond to someone who's replied to your question, you can post your response underneath theirs.
You can also PM (private message) people (which no one else sees) and they can PM you back if they want.
If you want to know more about someone on the site, click on their avatar (icon) and it'll take you to their Profile page, where you can read about them.
Can't think of anything else to tell you about, hope that helps.
8 Oct, 2009