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flowers to remember my mum

lincolnshire, United Kingdom

mum mum recenlty passed away at end of sept and loved her flowers , her garden was an important part of her life until she got taken ill
id really love to plant something in my garden in her memory for me and my childrens sake.

but i dont no what would be best and flower at this time of year i no she loved roses and lilys and carnations but im sure anything that smells nice and is bright and cheery she would have loved also
hope u can help



I'm sorry to hear about your sad loss Elainevs. Roses do flower over a long period of time, we've even had one or two blooms at Christmas time. Perhaps a repeat flowering rose would be a good idea, specially if you could get one which bears her name, or even Mother. I don't know whether there is one called 'Mother'.
Good luck.

10 Oct, 2009


If you wanted to plant something with her name, then go to the RHS website ( and so to the plantfinder. If you type in your mother's name, then it will give you a list of plants/roses etc with that name.

I wouldn't plant carnations (DIanthus), as they are such short-lived plants.

I'm sure you'd prefer something lasting as a memorial to her.

I'm sorry, too. I lost my mum a year ago and I do miss her.

10 Oct, 2009


I would surgest an evergreen rose' because the folage goes right through winter, and the flowers on all them that I have seen are lovly.

10 Oct, 2009


Sad to loose your mother Elainevs Chrysanthemums, Asters and Anemonies, Rudbeckias, and Helianthus-lemon Queen come to mind for flowers September to October. The children could also sow seed in the spring and watch as they grow and then flower in September?

10 Oct, 2009


what about Michaelmas daisies, they are always lovely at that time - end of the season, but they come in with some late colour to cheer the gardens again. Alternatively, what about a small tree with good autumn colour? One of the acers (japanese maples) maybe? It would catch the eye.

10 Oct, 2009


If you are looking for a rose, there is a great website where I have purchased roses from before for friends. They provide a list of roses that are peoples names. You may be able to find one that matches your Mum's name, it will be something that is always there to remind you of her.

12 Oct, 2009

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