I'm trying to clear up in my garden and have lots of summer flowers. If I dig them up with they come back next year?
By Barncote
United Kingdom
How do I know whether summer plants that I've dug up will flower again next summer.
10 Oct, 2009
I rescued a bunch of pelargoniums from the green waste today... still flowering looking fine. Will plant them in a big terracotta planter and later in the year will move into the front porch.
As SH says we need to know what you have dug up Barncote before we ca n help you.
10 Oct, 2009
That Geranium photo you're using as your avatar will certainly grow again next year - don't dig that up!
10 Oct, 2009
The picture of your avatar looks to me the lemon scented Geranium. When you brush your hand against it has it got a lovely lemony smell?
10 Oct, 2009
We need to know what they are to tell you that, Barncote. What have you done with them, after digging them up? Were they bedding plants?
A photo would be helpful.
Most bedding plants only last one season, but plants such as Pelargoniums can be over-wintered.
10 Oct, 2009