Red Pom Pom Flowers!
United Kingdom
In a park near where I work I saw one of the strangest looking plants I have ever seen, and it suddenly occurred to me that my fellow GoYers might know what they are! They are like large canna lilies at the bottom, with redish leaves, and they then flower in what I can only describe as red pom poms! Would any of you have any idea what these were?? They were so odd - I think I might have dreamt them, but they were definitely there!! I have googled to no avail - so hope someone out there knows the plant and can confirm that I haven't been hallucinating. Thanks!
16 Oct, 2009
it also will not survive the winter.
16 Oct, 2009
AND it's very poisonous - all parts of the plant! You've heard of 'Ricin'???
Just a note of caution!
16 Oct, 2009
It was Georgi Markov who was stabbbed with the umbrella tip with ricin in it ! I'm surprised councils use it,it shouldn't be allowed to flower especially where children play,attractive as it is.
16 Oct, 2009
Aster - and presumably they shouldn't be planting daffodils as the bulbs are poisonous? If the plants are at the back of a border where no children can get at them, I see no reason why they shouldn't be planted
16 Oct, 2009
Don't panic Aster, ricin has to be distilled from Riccinus - I doubt most children would be capable of that. And more than 50 percent of the plants in our gardens are poisonous if consumed anyway. Best to just teach kids about what you can eat and what you can't as they grow up.
16 Oct, 2009
No panic. Just thought it strange to grow it in public areas. You can obtain seeds on internet anyway Muddywellies,so easily available. I'm sure they would be banned if necessary,I know it is also used medicinally.
16 Oct, 2009
Honestly - you lot are a bunch of geniuses! I would never have guessed the plant from my rubbish description - and not only that, now I've googled the picture, I cansee that the leaves are nothing like a Canna Lily! Hats off to all of you - and thank you. ;-))
16 Oct, 2009
I think Grindle's the one who deserves the credit for recognising it from your description - I certainly didn't;-))
17 Oct, 2009
You're right Bamboo - I should mark Grindle out for extra praise.
Grindle - you are extremely clever, in fact, as I say, from the description I gave you - you must be psychic! :-))
17 Oct, 2009
thanks for the compliment MW, I must just have got lucky :)
17 Oct, 2009
It sounds like Ricinus Communis, the castor oil plant. A lot of councils use it for bedding. So no you're not hallucinating :)))))))))))))))
16 Oct, 2009