cordyline+ rhododendron
United Kingdom
Hi all, ive got a cordy and rhodo which because of personal circumstances i havent been able to tend to them since around start of august, thier both potted plants in very large pots,im not so worried about the cordyline because from what i know they do good in drought but i am with my rhodo,thinks its name is virginia richardii,my understanding was that they go dorment and basically was hoping one of the wonderful people here could give me some advice, after the 21st i should if all goes well be able to go and collect them,thanks all
18 Oct, 2009
no there not in a nursery, there at my old place but things are a bit,lets say bound by law atm so not able to get them or communicate with the person to let them know, as soon as i get them back theyl have an home to go to im just hoping theyl make it this far,thanks for advice though,ill try and get someone to go round and water it
18 Oct, 2009
Good luck!
18 Oct, 2009
Just to be clear are you saying these plants have sat in pots at a nursery or elsewhere waiting for you to go and collect them? If this is the case and the rhodo has not had any attention or water then it is likely to be in poor condition. When you do collect them make sure that both of the pots gets an extremely good soaking in water. Then get them both planted into the ground as soon as. Rhodos do not go dormant, they have already created the flowering buds for next years flowers and need to be looked after through the winter in order not to lose those flower buds. Having said all this rhodos are survivors but do give as much t.l.c. as you can.
18 Oct, 2009