By Ashleyjo6
United States
Are you supposed to fetilize your garden before putting your plants in of after? If after when do I fertilize?
29 May, 2008
Hi Ashleygirl,
Perhaps it's best to consider it feeding your soil..not your plants..lol. Spritzhenry has good advice... all I would add is: If you are starting a new garden bed and you have the opportunity and time it's a good idea to put the compost, manure or other, in late in the season and let the freeze/thaw cycle help break it down for your plants...and it gives the microflora a chance to get cooking!! The best guarantee of gardening success in my opinion is good soil!! It's not just dirt.
29 May, 2008
The soil should be prepared by digging in home-made compost - you could add well-rotted manure, too. Then plant. If you have no manure available, you can buy chicken manure pellets - you add these to the compost and dig them in (small quantities).You can also mulch any established plants with a layer of compost in the spring, or sprinkle a handful of blood, fish and bone around the plants. If you prune a shrub hard, it is always a good idea to give it a feed, too.
29 May, 2008