fig tree
By Redted
United Kingdom
I have a fig tree which is 2 years old. I repotted it this year as instructed, It was supposed to have figs growing this year so they could be harvested next year but alas they have not they tried but did not develope . Any suggestions
thank you Redted
23 Oct, 2009
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Thanks Bertiefox for the infomation on my fig tree just one more question .
When do I feed the fig tree and with what feed.
Thanks for your time
25 Oct, 2009
Two years from a repotting this year is a very short time period, even if it is a well developed tree.
Fig trees bear fruit diennially (if that's the right word for twice a year). The first crop, which is the main one in a temperate climate, comes from the embryo figs about the size of a very small pea, which overwinter (or not) and then swell and ripen between June and August, depending on climate. The second crop develops during the summer producing fruit in October or later. Because of the British climate the second crop rarely ripens. Even here in central France, where we lost all the early crop due to a severe winter, the second crop only just ripened a week or so ago, and then got frosted. (And the Brown Turkey variety didn't ripen at all).
Therefore cultural practice is to remove all the figs still on the tree in October leaving only the really tiny ones. These tiny figs will overwinter for next year. Otherwise the larger figs will rob strength from the tree and fall off anyway.
When you say 'they tried' I guess you are talking about this second crop which has started to develop but not ripen in time.
If there are any tiny figs on the tree, some are barely visible, you should get some fruit next summer. If not, then certainly the following year.
Good luck.
23 Oct, 2009