By Dragons
United Kingdom
hi one and all.. anybody had experience with welsh onions - my first try this year!
Also trying garlic...mmm thats a new one!
11 Dec, 2012
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My Welsh onions disappeared!
But i always grow garlic. Plant in autumn, sept - nov, depending on weather - I only got a dry enough moment in november this year! I plant 1cm deep and 5-6 cm apart in rows 10cm apart - to allow for hoeing - until i get them mulched! Then they are left to their own devices until the stems start to brown (except I dig a few up as 'wet' garlic - chop whole plants into recipes!) I dig them out, leave them in a warm, dry place for 2-3 weeks (greenhouse/shed) until they are totally dry right down the stem. Then I hang them in nets in an airy, dark shed. Should keep well into spring. Or you can plait them into a traditional rope, if you have the time. Good luck
16 Dec, 2012