Can I use leafs with black spot to make leaf mold?
By Julielane
United Kingdom
Got a large tree next door, think it's a Sycamore and it has black spot, all the leaves appear in my garden and I want to know if I used it as leaf mould would the disease spread to my plants/trees?
26 Oct, 2009
I thought as much, just thought I'd ask, it's such a waste and such a pain to collect them !
26 Oct, 2009
I know, its a shame to 'waste' them but at the end of day more spores next year is not worth the risk! Also it makes collecting them up to bin a pain as you get nothing from it!
26 Oct, 2009
I wonder if the Sycanmore has a particular sort of black spot that only effects that species? If so, you could still use it on your garden..... Not sure how you'd find out tho lol
27 Oct, 2009
It's tar spot which affects syamore and acers, you can make leaf-mould with it .Put it separately.
27 Oct, 2009
Excellent Prune, that's the answer I was looking for !
29 Oct, 2009
I would say no. The fungus will stay in the leaf mould and when you go to spread it in spring or whenever, it will just reinfect the plants.
Same with roses with black spot or any diseased foliage should be binned or burned.
You may still get it if the tree has had it for years as the spores will already be around.
26 Oct, 2009