By Jack8
United Kingdom
I have just moved and in our new garden we have some anthirrinums which were quite tall, and have now self seeded. Do I just remove the parent plants or will they flower again next year?
29 Oct, 2009
Yes I agree with Bamboo. Mine have never self-seeded but my original plant just keeps going on and on and on...
29 Oct, 2009
Antirrhinums often do seed themselves - they pop up in places where you don't expect to see them! I always think that's a bonus! The parent plants tend to get 'woody' after a few years. It's good to have some free replacements!
By the way, the 'butterfly' ones don't self-seed.
29 Oct, 2009
I'm in agreement with Spritz, mine come up everywhere even in cracks in the crazy paving in the front garden, but just to add, it also depends on variety there are some annual and some perennial, and i believe there are also some biannual ones too. Some do, some don't self seed, if you like them and not sure which type they are, why don't you collect some seed and re-sow next year, they are really easy from seed.
30 Oct, 2009
I have a perennial one, and I wouldn't recommend it, pretty though it is - the stems are VERY brittle, and just walking past brushing against it will snap a piece off!
30 Oct, 2009
yes i agree i have a couple of thoughs and they do become quite leggy, there are some really nice annual varieties though, i really loved the butterfly ones you had last year they were stunning.... i must put them on my wish list for next year....
30 Oct, 2009
Watch out for diseases on the older plants, if they start to wilt and go yellow then pull them up.
30 Oct, 2009
rust is a favorite which i have had problems with in the past Volunteer... but for the last couple of years i have grown Monarch and they have been really good... i had rust all over my garden this year...probably coz i did'nt do much feeding and watering in the summer (oopps naughty me just too busy) but the antirrinham did'nt get a single bit..:-) so obvioulsy Monarch is a good one for disease resistance...
30 Oct, 2009
Angie - I've grown them again this year, too. I've got a couple of photos to post tonight. A coral pink and a white one. Did you see the pale pink one a couple of days ago?
30 Oct, 2009
no i did'nt i'll go have a look in a mo... how far back is it in your pages?
30 Oct, 2009
Mine went on for 4 yeaars and then started to get leggy and kind of stunted. SO I replaced it with a new one I grew from seed.
30 Oct, 2009
Thanks for all the answers, they all really helped. Now Ive just got to be careful so I can clean my windows without disturbing them and the spiders!
31 Oct, 2009
They might flower again next year, I'd leave them and wait and see, just pull out anything you don't want next year, whether it's excess seedlings or tatty parent plants. Cut off the flowered/seeded stems of the parent ones though.
29 Oct, 2009