By Majeekahead
Can anyone help me name this plant please.... i bought it from a boot sale this Septmeber, the guy i bought it from did give me the name, but i stupidly did'nt write it down... i remeber the common name 'Mexican Cigar Plant' and i think the botanical name started with an S possibly Sap something or the other, i have looked it up 'S' in my RHS and can't find anything that looks like it.. I know it's not a fucsia as i asked this question, but it could be related to one, it has simular leaves. It is apparently fully hardy and likes semi shade, it has an abundance of these orange flowers from late summer to autumn they are quite small approx 3cm long and the plant has a spralwing but shrubby habit if that makes sense approx 18" tall.... can anyone put me out my misery please and tell me what it is?

30 Oct, 2009
Just googled it for you. It is Cuphea Ignea
30 Oct, 2009
......and no, it's not hardy.
30 Oct, 2009
Pip, how do you google a plant?
30 Oct, 2009
Wouldn't you like to know Ian :~))))
30 Oct, 2009
Lol, yes please! ;~))
30 Oct, 2009
lol, thanks all Spritz did already saggest Cuphea, and i manged to find it in the RHS guide, thanks guys appreicate the imput...x
30 Oct, 2009
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Its Lovely Ang but i cant help with ID Sorry x
30 Oct, 2009